Course Descriptions
Science 8
In Science 8, students cover topics such as Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Earth Science and Physics through a hands-on, inquiry approach. Students are introduced to laboratory safety and skills, as well as good study habits that will serve them well in their future science courses. The junior science curriculum is structured so that many concepts introduced in Science 8 are revisited and refined in Science 9 and Science 10.
Course Plan: Science 8
Science 9
This course builds on the good study and laboratory habits developed in Science 8. The human body-digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems-are covered in the Biology unit. Forces, Work, Power and Energy are studied in the Physics unit and the Astronomy unit covers stars, galaxies, the solar system, the Earth and its moon. The chemistry unit of Science 9 is the largest and most in depth with topics ranging from the nature of atoms and classification of elements to reaction types and balancing chemical equations.
Course Plan: Science 9
Science 10
Science 10 is the last opportunity students have to experience all the major branches of science in one course-Earth Science, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. As such, Science 10 helps students chart their future path through senior science course offerings. Science 10 can be considered preparation for the senior sciences, with a focus on furthering development of good, independent work habits.
Course Plan: Science 10 Course Outline
Life Sciences 11
This course surveys the five kingdoms of living organisms (bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals). Through an inquiry approach, each kingdom is explored with a focus on evolution, key characteristics, and relationships between organisms. The skills and concepts acquired in this course are the foundation for future studies in Anatomy and Physiology 12 and beyond.
Course Plan: Life Sciences 11
Anatomy and Physiology 12
Introduced in Life Sciences 11, good lab skills and habits of inquiry are further developed in Anatomy and Physiology 12. This course spans topics ranging from biochemistry and cells to DNA, biotechnology and key human systems (digestive, respiratory, excretory, etc.). A lot of material is covered at a rapid pace. Anatomy and Physiology 12 is a study course that requires understanding and application of concepts, and is a considerable step-up in difficulty from Life Sciences 11.
Course Plan: Anatomy and Physiology 12
Chemistry 11
This is a laboratory course that introduces the physical, inorganic, and organic branches of chemistry. Students learn about the nature of matter-its characteristics and behaviour at the molecular and atomic level. Laboratory and math skills are developed to establish a foundation for future studies in chemistry.
Course Plan: Chemistry 11
Chemistry 12
This course is an in-depth study of equilibrium systems. Building on concepts and skills developed in Chemistry 11, students discover the characteristics of equilibrium systems and the factors that affect them. Students also apply their understanding to reaction rates, solubility, acids and bases, and electrochemistry. This course involves a higher level of application and critical thinking than Chemistry 11.
Course Plan: Chemistry 12
Physics 11
Physics is a fundamental science that strives to describe the most basic elements of nature. Through inquiry and problem solving, students survey major themes of physics such as: kinematics-how things move; dynamics-why things move; energy-kinetic, potential, thermal, and nuclear; as well as waves-sound and light. Nuclear physics, Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, and other perplexing and interesting problems are explored. Of the senior science courses offered, physics is the most reliant on strong mathematical skills.
Course Plan: Physics 11
Physics 12
This course builds directly upon the concepts and skills developed in Physics 11 with an emphasis on mechanics and electromagnetism. Capitalizing on the growing sophistication of students’ mathematical skills, kinematics and dynamics are studied in two dimensions. This course explores concepts in electromagnetism, electric and magnetic fields, current electricity, motors and generators, and how these concepts are applied in real-world situations.
Course Plan: Physics 12
Science for Citizens 11
This is a survey course that focuses on the interactions between science, technology, and society. It emphasizes the impact of these interactions on both the individual and society at large as well as touching on relevant ethical issues. Scientific literacy is developed and encouraged. Students examine the nature of science as a uniquely human activity, as well as the history, development and application of a variety of categories of technology.
Course Plan: Science for Citizens 11
Earth Sciences 11
Earth Sciences 11 is a survey course exploring many facets of planet Earth-its structure, processes occurring upon and within it, and the space surrounding it. Geologic topics include the formation of rocks and minerals, plate tectonics and mountain building, volcanism and earthquakes, weathering and erosion, and the geologic time scale. Climate, ocean and weather systems, as well as the Solar system, stars and galaxies are also explored.
Course Plan: Earth Science 11